Mental health care – for women


Meela is a start-up based in Gothenburg on a mission to personalise mental health care for women by matching women to their best therapist and psychotherapy treatment. We had the pleasure of collaborating with Meela in a design sprint focusing on their onboarding process.

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Health care
Design Sprint
UX Design
Service Design
Product Management
Screens showing Flow A and Flow B

In an elevator?

Then here’s the pitch: In 166 hours, our team (consisting of UX Design, Service Design and Product Management) gathered significant user insights to focus on in a design sprint where Meela and Humblebee mapped out the business problem, set goals, sketched and decided on not one but two (!) user flows to be prototyped and tested. We prototyped, we tested, we got the insights and recommendations for Meela to be able to take their next step in creating an amazing service.


As they are a start-up, Meela was using a manual process for onboarding their patients. To summarise, after finding the right matches, they were presented to the patients via e-mail. For their Beta, Meela had bigger plans and we at Humblebee were super excited to help them make the experience of choosing therapist a lot more user friendly, nice and easy for patients, as well as less manual for Meela.


A design sprint is a time constrained exercise, that is always challenging; making sure we find the right focus early on sets the tone of the whole sprint, as well as having enough time to create and test the prototype and making sure we do it on a reasonable low-fi/high-fi level.

Seeing as we knew from the start how much time we had on our hands, and that it wasn’t an unlimited number of hours, we decided to make the most out of it, thus for our prep-work before the sprint we created a survey, rather than doing interviews, to be able to gather more insights in a shorter amount of time. The insights we got from the survey proved invaluable seeing as they helped set the right focus area for the sprint during day 1.

Another challenge we faced was that one of our team members became ill after day 3, we were thus one key person short and had to, quickly, onboard another colleague to help us out with the prototype and the user tests. Luckily, that was a blessing in disguise seeing as the extra addition to the team provided us with even more competence, more perspective and more chances for a great teamwork!

Solution & Results

During the design sprint we decided to test out two possible user flows which were focussed on the presentation of the matches, i.e., the therapists. In Flow A, they were initially presented as separate cards with a Swipe function that you could click on to read more (much like the dating app Tinder for instance), whereas in Flow B they were initially presented in smaller clickable cards in an overview layout. After the tests, it became clear that Flow B was preferred for their target users.

For the longer therapist presentations, we used the insights we had gathered from the survey as well as Meela’s expertise knowledge plus ideas that we had come up with during the sprint to add all the right amount of relevant and necessary, as well as personal, info about each therapist. One of the ideas that emerged during the sprint was for instance to add voice clips, and after testing this out it proved to be one of the key aspects that made the choice easier for the users.

Screens from the Prototype

All in all, it was a very successful design sprint and collaboration. We're happy we got the chance to work with such an inspiring client. Good luck in your future endeavours Meela, and we look forward to working with you in the future!

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