Talent as a service

We will help your organisation with perhaps the most pressing challenge of all, find and recruit talent with the right skills for digital product development and digital business transformation.

Talent as a service

Our talent-as-a-service program means we find, train and mentor the best young talent, bringing them up to speed in best-practice digital product and service ways of working. After a 6 month period at your organisation as consultants you then have the option of employing your new team.

Why do you need this?

If you've been involved in recruitment in Sweden at any point in the last 10 years you will know it's tough. There is a shortage of great talent generally; it can be difficult for certain organisations to attract key digital talent; the time it would take you to screen, train and on-board even a 5-person product team of high calibre staff could be many months.

Why now?

Finding and recruiting modern digital talent is more vital than ever. You need to find ways of recruiting the best possible digital-savvy workers, and you need to rely on them to be proactive with the sharpest possible skills. Without this motor in your organisation you may stagnate.

Who is this for?

Talent-as-a-service by Humblebee is designed to provide high-calibre, affordable, digital teams to 'plug-in' to organisations who need to recruit fast.

What are the business benefits?

  • Cuts down time to find and recruit good talent.
  • You will save money, our talent teams are well priced.
  • Our teams are mentored and schooled by Humblebee.
  • Teams are trained in design thinking, lean UX, development methodologies, business design and more.

What is the process?

We have a simple 1-2-3 process.

  1. Humblebee hires talent. They are employed by Humblebee with the intention of being employed by your organisation after the training period.
  2. Talent works in a team. You will take on a talent product team as full-time consultants for 6 months. Supported, mentored and trained by Humblebee.
  3. Your organisation employ the team. After the onboarding and 6 month period is over, you will be able to employ your new team full time.

How long does this take?

We recommend you take on a talent team as consultants for 6 months before hiring them on a full-time basis.

Who will be carrying this out?

Senior Humblebee staff mentor and train the talented, but inexperienced, teams.

What do we need from you?

You will be the product team owner at your organisation and you'll work tightly with us to make sure your new talent team delivers what you need, meets your expectations, and creates a smooth period towards full-time employment at your company.



Talent as a service
6 Months minimum
Talent Team