Business Experiments
Tired of working the “old” way? Fed up with writing briefs, getting debriefs, waiting for “big reveals”... only to finally launch things that don’t succeed. Experiment based projects are something you should try.

What is this?
This is a process of business experimentation that allows us to test different assumptions, validate and analyse them and come to an evidence-based conclusion. If the conclusions are positive, we move forward with the (digital) service. If not, abandon or restructure – use the learnings as valuable insight.
Who is this for?
This is for any company who are tired of working the “old” way. If you’re fed up with writing briefs; getting debriefs; waiting for “big reveals” ... only to finally launch things that don’t succeed on market... then working experiment based is something you should try.
Note: You do not need to be a ‘digital native’ company to work experiment-driven, we gladly set up experiments within B2B, industrial sectors and more.
But... you don't know what to experiment...
No worries. We’ll work together with you to define an experiment worth experimenting. We’ll help you test a hypothesis you already have, alternatively we’ll work together with you to find a completely new subject to experiment that’s never crossed your mind before but could lead to brand new growth potential.
What are the business benefits?
- Testing hypothesis’ in an experimental manner is a cost-effective and low-risk way to tackle projects.
- Experiments often lead to extremely insights as yet unknown by your organisation.
- Experiments ensure practical no-nonsense next steps. If an experiment returns positive data, we move forward. If not, we do not. But all learnings are vital.
- Insights gained through the experiment process can improve existing services.
- Insights gained can lead to new service improvement ideas.
- Using a third party like Humblebee brings honest, raw feedback.
- There is almost zero hands-on work required from you and your team. You help us get started, and we will run the experiment on your behalf.
- Experiments can result in decreased customer complaint levels and insights to improve efficiency.
What is the process?
Take a peek at this example of an experiment carried out within B2B for reference, however the process of creating an experiment is 100% unique to your situation. We’ll always try to find experiments that are easiest to carry out, but have the maximum potential reward. The process should be timeboxed to somewhere between 3-7 weeks.
How long does this take?
3-7 weeks is an optimal timespan. Minimum 3 calendar weeks, ideally not longer than 7 weeks.
What do you receive?
You’ll receive the results and a presentation deck with insights and next-step suggestions.
Who will be carrying out this project?
A team of user experience / service and business designers from Humblebee whose focus is on growth.
What do we need from you?
Very little is required from you during the process. A start-up meeting of 1 hour, plus follow up kick-off workshop of 2-3 hours. We then recommend brief weekly ‘check-ins’ during the experiment.